What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the amount of force (pressure) exerted by blood on vessel walls, as it passes through them.
Why is this important?
Because blood is pumped from the heart to blood vessels, it creates enough pressure to send to all other parts of your body. As blood vessels travel from the heart, which branch and gradually become smaller, like branches of a tree. A branch of May to the brain, while another may go to his waist. Blood pressure keeps the blood flowing through these parts for your cells get oxygen and nutrients they need.
How to measure?
measurement of blood pressure, tissue fabric cuff is wrapped around your arm and then slightly inflated. Blood pressure is evident in a meter connected to the cuff. The number of beds provider of health care of the rod as air is released from the cuff. This device is called a sphygmomanometer. Blood pressure can be measured with a special machine.
The two numbers that your blood pressure measurement is expressed as a fraction: the number one top and one at the bottom. For example, many people consider reading normal blood pressure is 120/80. The number at the top is called systolic pressure. The pressure inside the blood vessels until the heart beats. The number at the bottom is the diastolic pressure. The pressure in blood vessels between heartbeats when the heart is at rest.