Anxiety Symptoms

Panic disorder: panic attacks continued happening, fear of an attack on what it means, or change the way you behave, because the panic attacks for at least a month. Panic attacks are separated by a period of intense fear and feelings of Doom and the development of a very short time for 10 minutes and at least four of the following elements:

          Palpitations or


          or tremor

          or shortness of breath

          feeling of choking or

          or chest pain

          Nausea or other stomach problems

          dizziness or

          N. feeling of isolation from the world (derealization)

          or you can think, feel that your mind has gone blank

          Fear of death or

          numbness or tingling, or

          or chills and hot flushes

    * Generalized Anxiety Disorder: excessive, unrealistic and difficult to treat at least six months. These are the three following:

          Restlessness or

          Fatigue or

          Concentrate or

          irritability and

          or muscle stiffness

          or sleep

    * Diseases Phobia: fear of severe, persistent or recurrent some objects (eg snakes, spiders, blood) or situations (such as height, speaks in front of a group or in public places). Such exposure can cause panic attack.

    * Stress Disorder: anxiety (also known as PTSD) caused by exposure to conditions of death or near death, such as fires, floods, earthquakes, shootings, traffic accidents or war, for example. Other traumatic events, was threatened with death or near death, but serious injury or threat. An example of such trauma victims through physical or sexual abuse, victims, witnesses or other forms of abuse-XPOSURE is inappropriate materials (eg, exposure of children to pornographic images or events). Experiencing the traumatic event in thoughts and dreams. The most common are:

          The Re-experiencing trauma, both awake (flashbacks), or sleep (nightmares)

          or avoiding places or people associated with the activation event

          Concentrate or

          Sleep disorders or

          or may be hypervigilant (which are very attentive to their environment)

          or consensus, depression, irritability, pessimism, which fell on emotions such as feelings of love and wishes for the future

Symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of air, palpitations, dizziness, fainting, weakness, and the alarm caused in general and requires an analysis of medical supervision